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James A. Dorn I worked with David for 40 years. His zeal for a civil society based on libertarian principles is unparalleled. He consistently applied his razor‐​sharp mind to the cause of freedom. He will be sorely missed, but his legacy of liberty will live on.

Aaron Steelman David Boaz was one of the most extraordinary people I have ever met. He was a great conveyor of ideas, a witty conversationalist, and an omnivore of ideas. And, of course, he was a libertarian. When I asked him how he came to his ideological views, he said, “I think

Walter Olson When I think of the most effective advocates of individual freedom in my generation, David Boaz is Number One, and there is no Number Two. No one has combined a more discerning judgment, a more unflagging dedication to principle, a more deft command of tone, such a relish in