Home2024 (Page 289)

Patrick G. Eddington Former president Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked what he generically refers to as the Washington, DC “deep state”—usually an inference about the FBI’s misuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to target his 2016 presidential campaign. On Valentine’s Day, National Security Adviser

Travis Fisher The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is not a household name, but its impact on the daily lives of Americans is profound. FERC is an independent and bipartisan federal agency, and a well‐​functioning FERC is essential to a well‐​functioning energy industry in the United States. The agency

Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most common measure of national wealth and economic growth. Yet the layman—and even many businessmen and economists—is taken aback when mainstream commentators and professionals get very excited about changes to GDP, which seem to have little to no impact

Modern international law tends to grant a right to “remedial self-determination” only in extreme cases. Unfortunately, this position accepts that states ought to be free to violate human rights so long as the abuses fall short of war crimes and genocide.  Original Article: A Short History of the Right to Self-Determination