Home2024 (Page 283)

The American bankruptcy show of the twenty-first century continues unabated with federal and state government spending. History reveals that some states have defaulted through not meeting a required bond payment, leaving the bondholders and that state’s taxpayers with a debt problem. Today, we might call

Colleen Hroncich “This year’s million dollar prize for the Yass award goes to Valiant Cross Academy.” Those words, spoken by Janine Yass at the December 2023 Yass Prize Celebration, set off a whirlwind for Anthony Brock. He and his brother Frederick founded Valiant Cross, an all‐​male school in

Prices will always increase, some small banks will fail, and the Fed was asleep at the switch when the run on Silicon Valley Bank occurred. Fed chair Jerome Powell admitted those three things in response to Scott Pelley’s questions on 60 Minutes. “But the overall price

Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk with Jane Johnson about why the feds will never pay down the debt. Instead, they have two choices: rampant inflation or default.  Discussed on the Show  "The Federal Mega-Debt is Here to Stay" by Jane L. Johnson: Mises.org/RR_174_A Claim your free book: Mises.org/RothPodFree Be sure to