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Government parking policies create unnecessary shortages. Privatizing public parking not only would enable more efficient solutions, but also would make the system more fair.
Contrary to what we're told by the regime's cheerleaders, America's proxy wars are very costly for Americans in terms of both wealth and freedom.
In modern times, squatter's rights have little use beyond grinding an ideological axe or redistributing property to favored interest groups. It is time to end squatter's rights altogether.
In his recent State of the Union speech, President Biden called out private enterprise for what he calls “shrinkflation” and “greedflation.” If he wishes to know who is responsible for this phenomenon, he should look in the mirror.
Marc Joffe Jokes about the abundance of “ambulance chasers” aside, the fact is that some parts of America face a shortage of lawyers rather than the surplus that those critical of the profession might expect. Although New York City and Washington, DC, have a high concentration of lawyers,
Brazil’s carnival celebration is a huge event that also is heavily subsidized by government at all levels. Yet carnival would do very well if the subsidies were replaced with entrepreneurial investment.
Robert A. Levy Competition is an essential ingredient of capitalism. Accordingly, when a corporation appears to have acquired sufficient market dominance to discourage competitors, it’s tempting to ask the government to remedy the problem by enforcing antitrust laws. That temptation should be resisted, except to redress monopoly
David Boaz Ideological labels are challenging. They change over time. They often originate as terms of abuse for one’s opponents. The proto‐liberal Levellers in the mid‐1600s got their name from critics who accused them of wanting to “level” society, rather than simply to establish equal rights.
While progressives tout foreign aid to poor countries as socially and economically beneficial, in truth it makes poor nations even poorer. Foreign aid is a poor substitute for free trade and free markets.