Home2024 (Page 23)

Marx is often portrayed as motivated by love of the working class, but, starting from the time he was a university student, he displayed contempt and hatred for the masses he deemed beneath him.

In his Friday Philosophy column, Dr. David Gordon reviews Sean McMeekin‘s latest work on the rise of Marxist ideology—even though it should have been thoroughly discredited already. Despite its trail of death and destruction, Marxism remains the opiate of the ruling classes.

In his Friday Philosophy column, Dr. David Gordon reviews Sean McMeekin‘s latest work on the rise of Marxist ideology—even though it should have been thoroughly discredited already. Despite its trail of death and destruction, Marxism remains the opiate of the ruling classes.

Vanessa Brown Calder The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a good place to start for an administration with an appetite for change. Failed programs like public housing should be abandoned permanently, and unfocused programs with mostly unmeasurable results, like Community Development Block Grants