Progressives are claiming that corporate profits are one of the causes of inflation. However, if inflation increases consumer prices, it also causes production costs to rise. That is not a recipe for profitability.
Progressives are claiming that corporate profits are one of the causes of inflation. However, if inflation increases consumer prices, it also causes production costs to rise. That is not a recipe for profitability.
While Mises was a utilitarian, he believed people acted to improve their lot because of a felt uneasiness that could be rectified through free markets.
While Mises was a utilitarian, he believed people acted to improve their lot because of a felt uneasiness that could be rectified through free markets.
Mises is a person who can set us right.
Despite statements from Biden and other progressives, profits in a market economy are not a form of plunder. Instead, they represent entrepreneurial gains that mostly benefit consumers.
Many people are selling their gold to make ends meet. Others are buying gold as insurance against mounting price inflation.
In a recent symposium on Murray Rothbard's For a New Liberty, philosopher Matt Zwolinski takes issue with Rothbard on Murray’s views of freedom and property rights.