June's job numbers show job growth over the past year has been overwhelmingly in part time jobs, as full-time work and the total number of employed workers has stagnated.
June's job numbers show job growth over the past year has been overwhelmingly in part time jobs, as full-time work and the total number of employed workers has stagnated.
Colleen Hroncich Carol Topp was ahead of her time. She started homeschooling around the same time as she became a certified public accountant. “I passed the CPA exam and thought, now what?” she recalls. She wanted to keep homeschooling, and her husband’s job was good enough
One of the reasons for the hard-left turn in higher education has been the increasing radicalization of accreditation agencies. It is important for colleges and universities to break away from these agencies and rethink the accreditation process.
David Gordon reviews William Hogeland's "The Hamilton Scheme" and finds some accounts close to what Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo wrote about Alexander Hamilton several years ago. Hamilton's unfortunate legacy still harms this nation and its economy.
David Gordon reviews William Hogeland's "The Hamilton Scheme" and finds some accounts close to what Mises Institute President Tom DiLorenzo wrote about Alexander Hamilton several years ago. Hamilton's unfortunate legacy still harms this nation and its economy.
Economic mythology said governments must regulate markets to prevent monopolies. In reality, it is the government regulation itself that creates monopolies, which do not emerge in free markets.
Walter Olson On July 10, Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta A. Brown dismissed a lawsuit by the City of Baltimore seeking damages from 25 oil companies over climate change. The ruling is the latest setback for a long campaign by activist lawyers, foundations, and donors
Krit Chanwong In Federalist Paper No. 7, Alexander Hamilton warns that commercial policy could be a source of contention and even violence among states. This warning was farsighted: Although interstate violence has been rare, many states have engaged in “subsidy wars” to attract businesses. Take the
Many small colleges are shutting their doors, and it is largely the fault of overexpansion, government protectionism, and bureaucratic infiltration.