Jennifer Huddleston
Jennifer Huddleston
The Salamanca School is known for important contributions to free-market economics and the Austrian School. The Bolognese jurists also made key contributions.
While people knowing the history of the Austrian school of economics are familiar with the School of Salamanca, it turns out they were influenced by jurists in Bologna who helped to build a legal and intellectual framework upon which scholars could develop free market thought.
It is understood that Marx's theories stand entirely upon his Labor Theory of Value. If that theory is discredited, so is the scenario that leads to the inevitable triumph of communism. That fact, however, doesn't stop Marx's disciples from employing other fallacies.
It is understood that Marx's theories stand entirely upon his Labor Theory of Value. If that theory is discredited, so is the scenario that leads to the inevitable triumph of communism. That fact, however, doesn't stop Marx's disciples from employing other fallacies.
The rise of the nuclear family in Western Europe fostered the creation of private and independent "corporations" that limited state power and promoted economic growth.
When our ruling classes speak of “believing in democracy,” they are speaking of a romantic version of a form of governance that, in real life, is quite different than the sanitized version presented in our media. Democracy, in reality, is a winner-take-all contest on a