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The transition team is rapidly revealing that Trump never had any intention of fundamentally changing how the American Empire functions.
Scott Lincicome One of the main motivations behind Cato’s ongoing Defending Globalization project was that most public discussions of “globalization” miss what it actually is. When we hear the word, we typically think of things like container ships, wonky terms like trade deficit, or dry governmental
The original Mont Pelerin Society meeting in 1947 featured Ludwig von Mises, whose warnings about the dangers of socialism and totalitarianism had gone unheeded. In the wreckage of World War II, the truth of his message should have been obvious. It wasn't.
Even if whole regions of the country vote overwhelmingly against a president, they are still forced to submit to four years of that president’s rule-by-decree.
Mainstream economists often base their analysis upon assumptions that do not square with reality. Austrian economics, on the other hand, is built upon realistic assumptions and the acknowledgement that good economics must reflect human action.
Modern American culture is statist to the core. The typical school curriculum tells students that capitalism is evil and socialism is good, be the school private or government. And the anti-capitalist mentality only ramps up when students are in college.
On this day 106 years ago, the warring parties of World War I agreed to an armistice, ending more than four years of slaughter in the trenches. As Ludwig von Mises recalled, governments also slaughtered their own currencies to pay for the bloodshed.