Artificial intelligence has much to contribute as a consumption good and a producer’s good. However, there also are limitations in what AI can do, given it susceptible to the GIGO rule: Garbage in, garbage out.
Artificial intelligence has much to contribute as a consumption good and a producer’s good. However, there also are limitations in what AI can do, given it susceptible to the GIGO rule: Garbage in, garbage out.
The right to be able to enter into contracts with others is fundamental to free markets and a free society. That means people should be able to engage in discrimination.
Grover Cleveland, who was pro-gold, anti-tariff, and anti-imperialist, was the last American president in the Jefferson/Andrew Jackson/John Tyler tradition.
Jeffrey A. Singer
What were Abraham Lincoln’s religious beliefs? Not what most Americans would think. While a scoffer for much of his life, his wartime speeches spoke of “Providence” and developed a fatalistic worldview.
Colleen Hroncich Nikki Duslak says she never fit in as a public school teacher. “I have a background in theater—a bachelor’s degree in fine art and musical theater—and I always carried that love with me in the classroom. I was constantly doing crazy, off‐the‐wall things and other teachers would look
The number of employed persons in the United States fell by 184,000, and full-time workers fell by 187,000. But Joe Biden tells us things are booming.
Princeton “historian” Allen C. Guelzo’s newest hagiography of Abraham Lincoln focuses on Lincoln’s supposed love affair with commerce, albeit “commerce” based upon protectionism and government tariffs. As David Gordon notes, Guelzo has a problem getting his economic history correct.