Contrary to the government's line that "inflation hurts everyone," inflation really is a wealth transfer from those without political power to the politically connected. Original Article: "Inflation Is a Giant "Skim" on the American People"
Contrary to the government's line that "inflation hurts everyone," inflation really is a wealth transfer from those without political power to the politically connected. Original Article: "Inflation Is a Giant "Skim" on the American People"
In this week's episode, Mark looks at PPI—the Producer Price Index—which provides evidence of the costs for suppliers in various industries, macroeconomic instability, and the potential for economic recovery. Here, very low prices provide the potential for recovery; and rising prices can indicate both recovery in
Our country is beset by a large number of economic myths that distort public thinking on important problems and lead us to accept unsound and dangerous government policies. Here are ten of the most dangerous of these myths and an analysis of what is wrong
How to Nurture Truth and Authenticity: A Metamodern Economic Reform Proposalby Justin CarmienManticore Press, 2022; 272 pp. Neither I nor Justin Carmien, the author of How to Nurture Truth and Authenticity, is an economist. Carmien’s book, however, is not a work of economics but a philosophical
The summit of the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) has closed with an invitation to join the group extended to the Emirates, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, and Ethiopia. The summit has generated a lot of headlines about the impact of this widespread group of
Walter Olson I’ve got a new article in Reason on an unusual regulatory arrangement in Maryland that requires universities to ask permission of the state higher education commission to start new degree programs, and invites rival institutions to file objections on the grounds that they would be
Healthcare providers have known for years that contact between patients and family members are essential for good outcomes during intensive care unit (ICU) stays. The ABCDEF bundle is generally accepted as best practice in ICU care. The F stands for “family engagement and empowerment.” Yet, most (if
As family life descends into crisis in the USA, many conservatives call for state intervention to "fix" things. It's state intervention that created the problems in the first place. Original Article: "Family Flourishing and State Denigration"
Ryan McMaken joins Bob to discuss the surprisingly negative reaction (from a Reason writer and Tyler Cowen) to Oliver Anthony's hit song, "Rich Men North of Richmond." Ryan and Bob defend the lyrics, arguing that Anthony doesn't say anything objectionable from either a libertarian or
Colleen Hroncich One of the great things about the increase in microschools, hybrid schools, and similar options is the flexibility they give families. Rather than being locked into a Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. schedule, parents can find the options that meet the individual needs of