Home2023 (Page 82)

Property and Justice: A Liberal Theory of Natural Rightsby Billy ChristmasRoutledge, 2021; xii + 184 pp. What is the basis for property rights? Murray Rothbard’s answer starts from self-ownership. Each person owns himself and on that basis can acquire unowned resources by appropriating them. Most contemporary

The Economist reported on August 14, 2023, that “Argentina could get its first libertarian president.” They added that Javier Milei, the winner of Argentina’s election primary was, imagine this, a “free-market radical.” The problem, as I see it, is that few people actually know what

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the domestic costs of 9/11 and its continuing impact on Americans. The two discuss articles they wrote this week about how the events sowed the seeds of the current regime, how it reversed