Home2023 (Page 81)

Alex Nowrasteh Yesterday, I testified at the “Terrorist Entry Through the Southwest Border” hearing before the House Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement. You can watch the entire hearing here, my spoken testimony here, and highlights here. My written testimony is here. This was an excellent opportunity

Colleen Hroncich When education was disrupted during the pandemic, Dominique Burgess didn’t waste time. An educator with more than a decade of experience, she had started Burbrella Education pre‐​COVID‐​19 to support parents, teachers, and school leaders with coaching and support. In spring 2020, she started offering remote

Scott Lincicome Thirty‐​four years ago tomorrow, Boris Yeltsin — then a newly elected member of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union — visited NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, where he toured the U.S. government facility and the various technologies therein. But it’s a brief, impromptu