Home2023 (Page 80)

Michael Chapman In a recent speech, GOP presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy outlined a multi‐​year plan to reduce the federal workforce by 75 percent, slash regulations, and “shut down redundant federal agencies,” if elected. While Ramaswamy’s goals may seem fantastic, scholars at the Cato Institute have presented detailed policies

The Biden administration is unleashing the USDA on small farmers, attempting to regulate them out of business. This is done to protect not the public's health, but politically connected agriculture interests. Original Article: "The USDA’s War on Small Farms"

Americans are mad about the economy, and particularly about the Fed's inflation of prices and declining inflation-adjusted wages and incomes. Keynesian economist Paul Krugman, on the other hand, thinks that you are ignorant and that everything in the economy is great. Mark looks at Beef prices