Home2023 (Page 68)

Cato Editors Erec Smith, a Visiting Scholar of Politics and Society at the Cato Institute, is the co‐​founder of Free​Black​Thought​.com and the author of A Critique of Anti‐​Racism in Rhetoric and Composition: The Semblance of Empowerment. In a September 19 interview on CSPAN’s Booknotes+, Smith discussed his work and

Public goods, in mainstream economic theory, are goods that are nonrivalrous, where one person using a good does not preclude anyone else’s capacity to do the same, and nonexcludable, where owners of the public goods are generally unable to restrict anyone’s access to the good.

This episode examines the impending Government Shutdown, which will suspend new releases of the government's "vital" economic statistics. How will the "Data Dependent" Fed manage its policy behind the cloak of missing data? Mark suggests it's best to consider that the Fed is playing its