Home2023 (Page 60)

Practically all schools of contemporary economic thought recognize that value is subjective. Although mainstream economists merely pay lip service to value subjectivity—and, in practice, treat value as objective so that they can analyze so-called utility functions—it is still a core assumption in modern economic thought. This

Justin Logan Like many Americans, since last Saturday I’ve been watching events in Israel with sorrow and horror. I woke up at 5 am for some reason, picked up my phone, and saw image after image that turned my stomach. Terrorism, and the targeting of civilians, especially children,

Jonathan Newman rejoins Bob to explore more of the mechanics and political implications of the Fed's current state of insolvency. The Mercatus Article on Quantitative Easing: Mises.org/HAP417a Furman's Op-Ed in the WSJ: Mises.org/HAP417b   Join us in Fort Myers on November 4 to cut through the campaign talking points and offer