Home2023 (Page 50)

“The market economy involves peaceful cooperation. It bursts asunder when the citizens turn into warriors and, instead of exchanging commodities and services, fight one another.” So Ludwig von Mises begins a short chapter in Human Action called “The Economics of War.” While brief, the eleven pages (pages

Recently Yaron Brook and Bryan Caplan debated the merits of anarchism at the Soho Forum. Bob critiques Brook's opening statement.   The Soho Forum Debate: Mises.org/HAP419a Bob's Book on Market Anarchy, Chaos Theory: Mises.org/HAP419b Rothbard's Book on Natural Rights and the State, For a New Liberty: Mises.org/HAP419c Hans-Herman Hoppe's Book on Private Defense,

Colleen Hroncich Chase Eskelsen’s career path has included lots of twists and turns. But each of those experiences benefit him in his latest endeavor: founding Fersken Education, a consulting firm that helps education entrepreneurs. After a stint in the business world, Chase became an administrator at an online charter

The US government’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is flush with debt. The NFIP owes the US Treasury roughly $25 billion. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the NFIP will pay $280 million in interest in 2022. “The program was never intended to