Home2023 (Page 39)

The Great Money Bubble: Protect Yourself from the Coming Inflation Stormby David A. StockmanHumanix Books, 2022; 229 pp. David Stockman served for a short while as budget director during Ronald Reagan’s first term as president, but he soon resigned owing to Reagan’s refusal to cut government

Eric Gomez Presidents Biden and Xi will have a meeting on the sidelines of the Asia‐​Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco next week. This marks the first time the two leaders are meeting face‐​to‐​face since the G20 summit in Bali last year. The two leaders

Trading, forecasting, aggregating, and innovating—referred to from here on out as the Four—are activities that people have engaged in since the beginning of humanity. They are part of the human fabric because they stem from mankind’s peculiarities—heterogeneity, inclination to forecast, sociality, and inventiveness. The Four