Home2023 (Page 184)

Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Moralityby David EdmondsPrinceton, 2023; xx + 380 pp. The British philosopher Derek Parfit ranks as one of the most influential moral philosophers of the past century. But as David Edmonds says in his outstanding biography of him, Parfit

Jeffrey Miron This article appeared on SubStack on May 12, 2023. Unless Congress cuts spending or raises taxes in the near future, the federal government will hit its debt ceiling later this summer. At that point the United States will either default or pursue “extraordinary measures,” such

Dr. Paul Cwik joins Bob to discuss the inverted yield curve's "signal" of an impending recession. Dr. Cwik's dissertation on inverted yield curves and economic downturns: Mises.org/HAP395a Bob on the link between inverted yield curves and recessions: Mises.org/HAP395b Bob's Understanding Money Mechanics: Mises.org/Mechanics

The Misesian tradition provides essential insights into the nature of capital. From Frédéric Bastiat to Murray N. Rothbard, Austrian capital theory excels. Bastiat illustrated gains from capital by giving us the anecdote of the neighbor who wanted to borrow a timber planer. Rothbard gave us the

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop talk about recent court cases involving defamation claims, justifying libertarian skepticism of the entire concept. As Ryan noted in a recent Wire article, the Dominion lawsuit in particular, is a particularly chilling case for free