Home2023 (Page 175)

The Economist magazine in a recent editorial painted a rather positive image of the American economy. After encountering setbacks, the American economy often registers a buoyant recovery. Despite competition from rivals, America has retained her position as the world’s top economy. Some are bewildered by

Americans are in a time of rising labor unrest and activism, including multiple unionization campaigns, regulatory and legal changes to make it easier for unionization efforts to succeed, the “Fight for $15” minimum wage agitation, and the Hollywood writer’s strike. However, such discussions and campaigns

George Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier is a book for which I kept hearing recommendations. I was told that it contained biting criticisms of socialism and was a valuable source of antiauthoritarian thought. What I found, instead, was a snobbish text that ineffectually denounces snobbery,

Jeffrey A. Singer On May 19, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed into law a bill legalizing all drug paraphernalia, including testing equipment and syringes, and decriminalizing drug residue. As Sophia Heimowitz and I explained in our Cato policy analysis last year, drug paraphernalia laws stand in the way