Home2023 (Page 173)

Adam N. Michel The House Ways and Means Committee Republicans recently released legislation to retaliate against individuals and businesses based in countries that impose extraterritorial taxes on American companies. The proposal is a reaction to ongoing efforts by the OECD to coordinate a global tax increase on

Colleen Hroncich The late Barbara Baker left behind quite a legacy. She was a first grade teacher in 1960 when she realized her incoming students were unprepared because her school district had dropped phonics. Despite being pregnant with her fifth child, Barbara quit teaching and started her own

Jeffrey A. Singer Yesterday the House of Representatives voted 289–133 to pass the HALT Fentanyl Act.* The act permanently classifies fentanyl‐​related substances (FRS)—analogs of fentanyl that differ chemically from analogs currently used medically (e.g., sufentanil, remilfentanil, alfentanil)—as Schedule 1 drugs. The Drug Enforcement Administration defines Schedule 1 drugs