Home2023 (Page 170)

Nicholas Anthony As more people have become aware of the risks of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), more people have become confused between CBDCs provided by the government and cryptocurrencies provided by the market. It’s understandable that the two ideas may be confusing at first glance,

Adam N. Michel Foreign investment in low‐​tax countries complements U.S. production and expands global investment. Low‐​tax countries are often derided for either attracting illusory corporate profits without changing true investment behavior or for attracting international investment to the detriment of usually higher‐​tax countries. However, research consistently

[In this 1836 editorial, William Leggett laments how Wall Street and the "privileged" orders of the American upper class employ the power of the state to protect their own financial interests at the expense of ordinary taxpayers. In the nineteenth century, Leggett was an important spokesman