Home2023 (Page 169)

Americans have long thought of themselves as people of action. As Leonard Read noted in his article “How to Gain Liberty,” the sentiment “I want less talk and more action” is (or at least once was) common among Americans. It even extends to situations when people

Chris Edwards Congress is considering the Biden‐​McCarthy debt‐​reduction deal. The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 would reduce deficits by $1.5 trillion over the coming decade. The reduction would be a start at righting the federal government’s fiscal ship, but just a small start. The $1.5 trillion in savings would take

David J. Bier Student visas are the primary jumping‐​off point for most high‐​skilled immigration to the United States. Immigrants study at America’s elite universities and then find jobs here when they graduate—largely through the post‐​graduate employment authorization program called Optional Practical Training. Despite the importance of