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Like so many others in the "national greatness" movement, Christopher Buskirk understands some of the problems the country faces but fails to grasp the solutions. Original Article: "Don’t Get on the Nationalist Bus"
Marc Joffe With so many people obtaining Medicaid coverage in the wake of the Affordable Care Act and during the pandemic, it is worth investigating whether this expanded eligibility is improving health outcomes. Overall, decreases in the proportion of uninsured individuals over the last decade are
Bernie Sanders, in a recent opinion piece, attacked Republicans for trying to get concessions out of the Biden administration under threat of debt default, stating, “Defaulting on our nation’s debt would be a disaster.” Writers at Jacobin echo Bernie’s sentiment. Unfortunately, it seems like modern socialists
Jai Kedia Recent articles by Politico and the Wall Street Journal detail the difficult economic environment the Fed must navigate in the coming months along with highlighting the missteps the Fed has made in dealing with post‐Covid inflation. The articles show that in response to inflation,
David J. Bier My latest policy analysis published today explains why it is impossible for nearly all immigrants seeking to come permanently to the United States to do so legally. The report is a uniquely comprehensive and jargon‐free (to the extent possible) explanation of U.S. legal immigration.
via Max Auffhammer: Thanks to generous renewal funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Berkeley Summer School will take place again this year – in person! The goal of the summer school is to provide doctoral students nationwide, who have completed the core first year
Jeffrey Miron This article appeared on Substack on June 13, 2023 The state of Oklahoma has recently approved a charter for the St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School, whose curriculum will include religious teaching. Taxpayers will fund the school, so a battle will ensue over whether such funding
The current regime wants to use taxation not simply as a means to collect revenue for the government, but as a weapon against economic prosperity itself. Original Article: "Taxation as a Weapon against Prosperity"
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which became effective in 2016, is one of the most detailed legislative schemes in the field of data protection. This article discusses two libertarian-minded objections to its approach. First, I argue that the notion of “right” adopted