Home2023 (Page 152)

John Klyczek joins Michael on the first episode of REKT. John (jakE) is the author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education. Topics include the behaviorist, collectivist, and eugenicist roots of public (and state-sanctioned private) education, the globalist organizations behind the stakeholder capitalism regime,

In the pre-industrial world, aggression and physical domination were often labeled as "masculine" virtues because they were useful for survival. The rise of the cooperative market economy changed all that. Original Article: "How Capitalism Redefined Masculine Virtue"

David J. Bier President Biden has received significant criticism from people who want to see more immigration enforcement for supposedly “gutting” Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While most measures of ICE enforcement remained below pre‐​pandemic levels, they also have almost uniformly increased since President Biden took