Home2023 (Page 113)

Adam N. Michel In a recent Tax Notes International article, I describe the evolution of controlled foreign corporation rules and international taxpayer information exchange as examples of the United States being a first mover in weakening international tax norms. You can access the article here, although it is paywalled

Trump is essentially being prosecuted for questioning the outcome of an election, and federal paranoia about protecting its own aura of legitimacy is entering a new highly aggressive phase.  Original Article: "The United States vs. Donald J. Trump"

One of Ludwig von Mises’s important contributions to economics was demonstrating the impossibility of economic calculation under socialism. He did it by showing three necessary preconditions for the generation of meaningful market prices in the factors of production—private property, freedom of exchange, and sound money.

David Gordon take a critical look at Markus Gabriel's Moral Progress in Dark Times, and although he finds parts that are disturbing, he also discovers important areas of agreement. Original Article: "Outside the Universe?"