Home2023 (Page 109)

In this episode, Mark updates his early March 2023 episode (Mises.org/Minor11) on the high price of toilet paper. He shows how economic changes, so far, in 2023 seem to have vindicated his forecast of lower toilet paper and paper towel prices. It also demonstrates how the

Colleen Hroncich Continuing last week’s theme, Stossel in the Classroom (SITC) is another great resource for educators regardless of your schooling model. The program had a very simple origin. John Stossel was a long‐​time consumer reporter who turned his attention to government corruption and waste. After he learned

Professor Quinn Slobodian believes that free markets must lead to tyrannical worker exploitation, and socialism is the only solution. In truth, market competition is the answer.  Original Article: "Cracked-Up Slobodian"

Ryan McMaken joins Bob to discuss the recent US Women's World Cup elimination, and to dispel the myth that markets are discriminatory. After defending Megan Rapinoe's failed penalty kick, they dismantle her outspoken views on "equal pay" in sports, and examine the left's claim that law