Home2023August (Page 17)

The Christian nationalist state is one in which civil rulers—for a time—regard the Church as a convenient ally. Once this comes to an end, however, the "Christian" state transforms into a state hostile to those it was once designed to protect. Original Article: "The Dead End of Catholic

Recent news reports mention the possible bankruptcy of the privately owned company Thames Water (TW) in the United Kingdom, with a history of very high debt repayments, high dividend payouts to shareholders, mismanagement, and underinvestment of capital spending. TW supplies water and wastewater services to

In this episode, Mark updates his early March 2023 episode (Mises.org/Minor11) on the high price of toilet paper. He shows how economic changes, so far, in 2023 seem to have vindicated his forecast of lower toilet paper and paper towel prices. It also demonstrates how the

Colleen Hroncich Continuing last week’s theme, Stossel in the Classroom (SITC) is another great resource for educators regardless of your schooling model. The program had a very simple origin. John Stossel was a long‐​time consumer reporter who turned his attention to government corruption and waste. After he learned