Home2023July (Page 4)

Colleen Hroncich Just like one size doesn’t fit all students, one size doesn’t fit all teachers, either. Shiren Rattigan experienced this first‐​hand. A fourth generation educator, Shiren says she was destined to be a teacher. It just took her some time to find the right environment. “As an educator

Ineffective teaching, the enrollment cliff, stifled academic discourse, and government driving up tuition. Download the slides from this lecture at Mises.org/MU23_PPT_34. Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 28 July 2023.

Game theory done the wrong way eliminates individual choice. Download lecture slides at Mises.org/MU23_PPT_30. Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 27 July 2023.