Home2023July (Page 15)

Jordan Cohen To promote debate and help improve U.S. decision‐​making about arms sales, we created the Arms Sales Risk Index, now in its fifth year. By measuring the factors linked to negative outcomes of arms sales, such as dispersion, diversion, and the misuse of weapons by

Chris Edwards The U.S. Department of Agriculture runs dozens of farm subsidy programs, which cost taxpayers more than $30 billion a year. The largest program is crop insurance, which costs about $10 billion a year. The program displaces private methods of managing risk and gives subsidies to farm

The Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB) is the latest "weapon" in the government's so-called arsenal to keep the banking system afloat. But the system needs much more than just "liquidity." It needs sound money and sound banking practices. Original Article: "The Backstops for Banks Are Full

Economist Jeremy Horpedahl dismissed the silly claim by anticapitalists that capitalism must engineer food scarcity for the sake of profits. He presented a graph of Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data demonstrating a substantial decrease in household food expenditure as a percentage of income—from 44