Home2023July (Page 12)

Nationalism is a potent force in the modern world, and it is not surprising that some libertarians have been attracted to it. Indeed, in some circles the slogan “Blood and Soil” has come into to use to denote a people’s attachment to the land. It

Scott Lincicome We often discuss how “Buy America” laws increase federal project costs by requiring pricier American‐​made materials, but from tiny Brookport, Illinois comes a humorous/​sad reminder that the protectionist law costs time and taxpayer money even when it’s waived: Brookport City Council approved an increase in the

Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost look at the many factors behind Ukraine's failure to defeat Russia or move closer to NATO membership. Ukraine is sadly caught between a cynical NATO and a Russia that is in it for the long haul.  Be sure to follow War,

Ryan Bourne Extensive media coverage of the idea of “greedflation” seems to be affecting public opinion. A new YouGov polling survey undertaken in June 2023 finds that more Americans blame inflation on “large corporations seeking maximum profits” than any other option they are given.  A massive 61 percent