Home2023May (Page 12)

We’re supposed to go along with Green Energy schemes—as we did with masks, school lockdowns, and vaccinations to stop covid—because our government, media, and “public interest” groups insist that we “follow the science.” Original Article: "How Greening the Economy Will Destroy America"  

The 2023 graduation season is now underway. The famous, generous, and politically powerful (especially those currently in federal office, who are cheaper because they are banned from being paid for giving speeches) will be dispensing (often very limited) wisdom about the “real world” to hundreds

Ilya Somin and Isaiah McKinney Richard Devillier and his family owned property abutting a highway in northern Texas, alongside other property owners. Texas built a dam next to their property to keep flood waters from flowing across the highway, which would have made it impassible. But this damming

Special counsel John Durham on Monday released his report on the FBI's role in investigating the 2016 Donald Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia. This investigation, codenamed "Crossfire Hurricane," had been—according to Durham's report—"swiftly" opened as a full-blown investigation in response to "unevaluated intelligence information"